Offering delicious foods since the1980s

Attention Fundraising Committee and Fellow Donut Lovers
We would like to offer you an easy fundraising opportunity. It is very simple, we sell our Fresha Donuts to you at a special Wholesale price and you re-sell them at a Retail price to your members, their families and the public and you keep the difference.
Imagine if you sold 100 dozen, your organisation could make over $500 for very little effort or time. We have just had one sports club raise over $2000.00 partaking in our fundraising event and they come back each and every year as the demand for donuts is high.
This is an easy fundraiser to organise!
You collect orders using an order form that we provide you.
Total your orders up and email the form to us.
We contact you and confirm the order details.
We deliver the Fresha Donuts to your organisation.
The donuts orders are matched with the forms and handed out to the buyers.
The enjoyment of eating them begins.
Please contact us if you have any questions or need any more information.